zondag 7 februari 2010
Drug flash game links + verhaaltje om jullie na te laten denken
Hoi allemaal,
Kzie al wat meer activiteit op het blog ^^. Mooi.
Voor Tom nog even een paar links aangaande drug games. Ik moet zeggen dat ik nog niet echt serious games gevonden heb. Ik heb vooral newground gecheckt ( dit weekend ben ik er niet actief mee bezig geweest though). Daar vind je vooral games waar drugs het jasje of het thema is maar er ligt niet zozeer een leerdoel aan te grondslag.
1. Newgrounds
2. Dan heb ik deze game van ranj nog gevonden met die quiz. Daar zijn we allemaal niet zo van onder de indruk geloof dus meer een voorbeeld van hoe we vinden het het niet moet denk.
http://www.ranj.nl/ < Zoek ff drugs op die site dan vind je een video van de game. Is er maar 1.
Ben benieuwd hoe jij deze visuele stijl evalueert Tom ^^.
3.Volgens mij is dit een real life game voor een groep jongeren over drugs. http://campus.willinteractive.com/games/generation-rx
Heb het nog niet helemaal begrepen eerlijk gezegd. Kga er morgen nog wat nader naar kijken.
Dan nog een trailer voor een documentaire. De documentaire gaat over het mogelijk foute gebruiken van drugs voor medische doeleinden.
Ik heb vrijdag ook een verhaaltje getypt. Ik wou es proberen hoe we de speler nou zouden aanspreken en als we iets er tegen zouden vertellen hoe we dat dan zouden doen. Uiteindelijk is het een verhaaltje geworden waarin ik de speler ook probeer te verleiden om toch toe te geven.
Ben benieuwd hoe jullie er tegen aan kijken. Waarschijnlijk is het nog een te simpele gedachte naar drugs gebruik toe maar daarom ben ik juist benieuwd wat jullie er op tegen hebben :).
ps: Ook een beetje ge inspireerd door de vertel stijl van trainspotting. Dus direct aanspreken alsof je het aan het vertellen bent in een bar ofzo.
Heej you, yeah you. You know you. Yourself. Do you know yourself? I mean really..know...
They expect we do? See we've been given the assignment to help you. Teach you something. About drugs. But we know you. We're just like you. We know you don't care. Otherwise you wouldn't be using them right?
Are you? You know using them?
How can you ignore all those warnings? Why do you?
You see we could show you you know. Show you how it works. Show you whats good and bad about it. But you know. Your not gonna look. You don't want to. Instead. You just wanna get away. You just wanna do what ever you were doing. Your just going to ignore this attempt like all the other attempted. Your just gonna turn a blind eye.
You don't care. Do you?
So what point is there for us to let you play if you yourself don't wanna play? Why should we help you learn if you don't wanna learn.
You know we're just like you. We went through the same shit you did. At least some of us … You see there is a big chance that there is someone among you that uses it. Probably not all of you. If we look at our group then most likely only a few. But we all knew we all had contact with some that do.
But you know. The core question is not if you are but if you'd like to. And why would you?
Or if your already using it why are you? Why are you throwing all that money towards it? Why do you work your ass of everyday to buy some of that stuff. Why do you live in a crappy home that needs redecorating? That needs to be cleaned up. Why are you looking at a near empty fridge every morning?
Why are you constantly aware. Hiding it from them. You know those old people that think they know what's better for you.
Do you chose this? Can you chose this? Do you wanna chose this? Maybe you don't want to chose at all. Maybe that's why you do.
If your not. And you don't want to. Then you probably know some that do. Don't tell us you've never considered it. We all do one day. They must look like their having fun.
You see this is how it works. Nothing is good if you use it too much. This stuff isn't any different. Use too much and your gonna get fucked. Don't use it at all and your missing out. Just use a small amount. A tiny small amount.
You know if your using it anyway. Then atleast make sure you do it well right. Your not gonna attempt to pee on your teacher then miss do you? Your breaking the social ethics already man. Your already mocking them. So you'd better do it right. Otherwise that be kind of a waste right?
See we can show you. You know. How it feels like. We can give you a bit. You want to? Or we can continue with this boring tale we have to tell. These so called "accepted" rules of behaviour we all follow and we have to tell you to do. It's not like we want to. We're just following orders. We're just a small thing in the grand scheme of things. We're replaceable.
It's either that or the other. Or you can go. Walk away from it before you reach the finish line.
We could show you bad video's about it to influence your ethical perception. FInd your barrier. You can quit when you want. Wanna see it? Think you up for that? We mean it's no joke. Bet you never looked at it that way right..
What if we told you that there is a button on the right. One that just shows you a happy clip. You can click it if you want to ;). Do that and we'll let you go. Otherwise we stay. It's not like we have anything better to do. But maybe you do.
Getting tired already? You must be. I know we would. You know it's actually not us. It's me. You know what I would have done? I'd clicked that button a long time ago. I don't like these long talks. But you know. I'm weak or so they say.
Still I'd have done it. I don't like to waste time. Unlike you. You stay here and listen. I must say that's commendable. You got spirit. Your awesome. Want a FUCKING COOKIE? Forget it. We don't have anything for you. So why don't you just click that button. We know you've been staring at it the entire time.
Ah but your afraid aren't you? Your afraid of what you saw when you did click it. Your afraid that eventually your gonna see that again. But didn't you like like what you saw before that? The wonderful green hills. The candy land. Ooh I could almost taste it. I could smell the flowers. If heaven was like that I'd be jumping infront of a train every day. But probably heaven is nothing like that. So I'd rather see it this way.
Come to think of it. If you can see that stuff that other things isn't that bad. I mean it's only for a small time right. And you start off with all that good stuff. Sounds like a fair trade. A large moment of happiness for a short moment of pain.
But your not sure. Why? Still afraid? What are you afraid of then?
That it might last longer? Don't be ridiculous. How could it last longer. And you know when it ends up that it does. Just click it again. It's that simple.
The always are.. the best solutions. just very simple.
It's the hard ones that give you head aches. That bring misery in your life. That keep you in bed force you to cry get in your way. Simple stuff isn't. So just click it. Your making this way harder then it needs to be.
Click it and you will know for ever. Everything will be clear.
I think your seeing them man. Your paranoid. Why won't you just click one fucking button. It's not hard. You think there some big conspiracy? That all the light go off when you do? That the ME comes in and drags you to jail on your bair feet?
too be continued . ;)
Ik heb morgen om 17:00 een gesprek met Wendy. Kga het proberen te verzetten naar iets vroeger. Als dat niet lukt ben ik om 16:00 op school samen met Tom.
Khoop dat iedereen een fijn weekend heeft gehad. Kvoel me weer klaar om lekker aan de slag te gaan deze week ^^
Lets do this !! ^^
Abonneren op:
Reacties posten (Atom)
Hey man, die Ranj game is gewoon een verkapte quiz met een loop en spring gedeelte... bah.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDie generation RX is echt weer heel erg vies Amerikaans... bah!
En je verhaaltje is tof, dat is wel zo'n typische "Trainspotting" monoloog ja. Maar let wel op je Engels, er zitten wel een paar grove spelfouten in.